August ’23 Exercise Challenge Winner- Amazing Arjen!

And the winner is….Amazing Arjen, again! It’s a bit like Groundhog Day but that’s OK, because we are old school at Supreme Fitness and there can only be one winner he’s taken out our Monthly Exercise Challenge for the 3rd month in a row. Well done to everyone who toughed this one out. Our September […]

This formula will change the way you eat forever…

I’ve got a “hack” to share with you today that could the way you eat forever. It’s NOT a new supplement, a superfood, or a fad diet. But it IS more effective – and healthier! – than all of those things. Welcome to The Plate Perfect Formula! It will help you create a delicious, balanced […]

🍽️Your Plate Perfect Guide is inside!

We get so many mixed messages about what to eat, and what not to eat, it’s a wonder that any of us have figured out what to eat at all!  You might hear “avoid this,” or “only eat that” — but the truth is that BALANCE is not only key for optimal nourishment… It’s also […]

The happiness hack you’ve been waiting for

Ever wish you had a magic button that you could press to instantly boost your mood? What if I told you that button exists, and it’s within your reach right now, your free happiness hack? Say hello to your new best friend – Exercise! Exercise isn’t just for fitness. It’s an all-natural mood booster that […]

NEW! “Do This, Not That” Fitness Results Cheat Sheet

What if I told you there are 10 easy “cheat codes” that can help you get over the hardest parts of working out? And, even better… What if I told you that nearly half of those “cheat codes” are actually just a few simple mindset shifts? If you’re showing up, doing the work, and still […]

Anywhere, Anytime Workout

We now have Workouts available in your Supreme Fitness Portal. They are easily accessible on your phone or tablet and are really motivating for your fitness goals. Here is a simple body weight circuit you can try anywhere, anytime for FREE. It’s the perfect travel workout for all levels. Click here to check it out

August ’23 Stars of the Month- Arjen and Margot

I’m thrilled to share the success journey of two of our clients, our August Stars Amazing and Marvellous Margot! They are still showing that age is just a number and have just reached 500 sessions! Arjen also recently completed an 8.03 Plank beating all comers whilst Margot scored 3 minutes! Arjen took out the Pushup […]

Lunch Box Rescue recipes to drool over 🤤

Have you ever noticed that breakfast and dinner get a lot of attention in the fitness world, but lunch is sort of… chopped liver? People love to talk about whether or not you should be eating breakfast… Or what to eat for dinner to lose weight or get healthy… But lunch? Not so much. The thing is, […]

How many calories do you burn every day?

What if I told you there’s ONE number you need to pay attention to BEFORE you start counting calories, macros, or anything else? For many of us, this number is a complete mystery. But once you figure it out, it’s a complete game-changer. Ready for it? It’s your estimated TDEE – aka your Total Daily Energy Expenditure. In […]

7 Ways to Sabotage Your Metabolism

There are probably a few things in your life that you’d like to slow down… But when it comes to your metabolism? Probably not. Unfortunately, there are plenty of sneaky ways we slow our metabolism down — here are 7 ways to sabotage your metabolism: 1, You don’t eat enough Your body is smart! When you […]